Canadian Wilderness Fly-in Fishing and Hunting Trips

Bear Baiting has started.

We started our bear baiting in mid July and have made several new stands. We also have changed several single ladder stands to doubles so that leaves just a couple singles left. It’s august 15 and we have 18 baits being hit, some with several different bear hitting. We found some new, fantastic bait this year which makes a big difference. The biggest thing we have learned during our years of bear hunting is that the quality of your bait makes a huge difference. Bear would rather eat natural food unless u have something they just can’t refuse. Bear are actually very picky and we have seen them pick thru certain bait and actually walk away when they don’t like something. Weather is cooling off and it’s starting to feel like hunting weather so we are getting excited up here. Hunting season is our favorite time of year. While we have several nice shooter bear coming in we don’t have any GIANTS hitting yet. We will though, they always take a little while to start hitting. They are always the last to leave the blueberries. So u hunters be practicing with your bows and rifles so u give yourself the least chance of wounding your trophy. Also a BIG thing is to look on the internet at black bear sizes. What is a shooter and what’s not. It’s very difficult to judge the size of the bear when it’s in front of you, even for veteran hunters. We have a couple weeks til our first hunters so there is time for the big boars to start hitting yet. Pray for cool weather!

Cheers, Todd

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